1:1 Mentoring

Let me be your SOUL DOULA! Le me hold the container for your unique soul-embodiment, so that you are continuously tapping & staying in it - and thus make longterm progress and lasting transformations. In the weeks we spend together we will integrate YOU = SOUL, into ALL of your being (body, mind, heart, emotions), all areas of life, your connections and your actions - as direct as possible, as it is your own soul that will bring harmony, peace, guidance, healing, purpose and power inside! Beyond our journey, as you will be able to continue and even share this sacred work!

“Mentoring with me is a choice for more of you. Here the power of DECISION meets a SPACE of great potential, presence, depth, allowance, capacity, soul-connection, guidance & CONSISTENCY.”

No matter where you are - we use the current challenges and desires as a portal, together when learn to listen & feel deeper, to see clear, to navigate through challenges and become more grounded within. I promise you, despite what topic brought you here, we will reach the core and spread your inner light throughout all areas and levels of your life and being. You will be so much more of you and so much more ALIVE and centred in your truth & purpose! Because you choose your true Self above any fears and comfort zones, you go for your potential actively. You are blessed to be able to do so, yes - but you are also brave! And yes, this somehow differentiates you from the main population BUT - how many souls will be inspired & touched by the light you will emit, wherever you go, even if you just buy groceries, you will bring more SOUL into this world.

You invest in yourself, to enhance the enjoyment, meaning & quality of your life - but at the same time you do it for everyone around you.

Facts and numbers

We will create the journey together in terms of intensity, frequency, intention and your needs.

We are combining Soul-Embodiment Sessions with Mentoring-Calls, such as Sharing- and Practice-Calls in-between, very valuable Telegram Mentoring, to create an on-all-levels-held space, that allows us to go really deep and rise very high. You will feel my supportive presence all the time!


The investment of each Mentoring is individual and approximately around 300€ per week.

You can enter the basic level here - and can upgrade any time. Or you design your own journey with me. Find out if we match in a discovery call.

It is always an honour for me, having this profound experience with a soul that resonates with me, my medicine, my embodiment & soul-led service.

I can’t wait to meet you.

SOUL EMBODIMENT is what we all came here for & our soul and body already know how to merge…

But we have to feel safe, to let go control, to allow it AND we have to learn to trust our higher senses, Self and abstract mind again. Making peace with the unknown and jump right into it, again and again. Here we will meet life and our true Self and Source.

HERE I offer you simply one direct way to devote to it FULLY for a CONSTANTLY. To use to power of CHOICE and DOUBLED consciousness, A HELD SPACE in which 10 times more can happen, to benefit from my wisdom & experience - to save time for unnecessary detours, deceptions & distractions along the journey - to be as much as possible where you belong and do what you truly came here for!

Our path is so much about WILL POWER AND DEVOTION. The key of their activation, right connection & balance lays in the heart.

This world easily made us forget, that we live in a fully free will universe: we CAN stagnate for lifetimes and walk & work against truth/god/our own soul, either being tempted, believing there is nothing more or falling into the trap of “Universe will do it for me, all that happens has and had to be that way” - and thus giving away our power and responsibility. Here is the first big wounding we will heal for sure: RESPONSIBILITY, FREEDOM & POWER which is deeply related to TRUST & TRUE CONNECTION TO THE DIVINE. You see?

My work is profound. My work is sacred. My work is life-changing. The only question remanding is:

Are you ready to die and to be born again? And do you allow yourself to be held in it, having a soul-doula by your side? You don’t have to do it alone. You know how to claim the support you deserve!


1️⃣ After our Set-Up call, we start week 1 with an 2h Coaching Call and then we let this sink, opening you up and settle in the journey via Telegram Mentoring:

In the Call we will bring clarity & connection in your current situation, desires, challenges, such as your current level + potential of authenticity & soul-alignment/embodiment - especially illuminating blindspots - an then we initiate deep transformation + shadow-integration into all of your areas & levels of life and being.

I will guide you in-between via Telegram:

In all that arises afterwards, due to the change we initiated, I will keep you accountable, feeling safe & supported + offering you my ability to see & reflect clearly, so that you have enhanced self-reflection + integrative tools, wisdom, inspiration for more embodiment & soul in your daily life + getting answers to the questions & doubts that arise + impulses & motivation for upcoming challenges + the perspective that reminds you of the chances they offer & the portal that hides behind every trigger.

2️⃣ In week 2 we will first do a Soul-Embodiment Call to let all we already moved and worked on integrate deeper somatically, emotionally and thus mentally and energetically AND here we will remove all subconscious blockages and beliefs. We will let it sink and work for another week in which you will have full support.

3️⃣ In week 3 we do a Sharing-Call in which I reflect you and guide you further into self-awareness and intention setting. We will also meet for a Practice-Call where I can give you foundational tools that will carry you along the journey and we implement exactly what is needed for your current rebirth together. In this week I am assisting you via Telegram and we transform all triggers and challenges in gold and eery questions and doubt in wisdom.

🏁 In our integration call (of this first Phase) we intuitively do, what is needed to fill any gap & melt the last blockages from our previous process, to complete - and then we will open & bring the next big step into movement with clear direction, intention & overall understanding.

🚀 You either move on by yourself, repeating & deepening all we did - or you join another round. Up to you. You can have me up to 3 months by your side. So, shall we begin?