“1:1 is gifting yourself a space that is fully devoted to

your highest good. ALL ABOUT YOU.

You book it for yourself as an act of self-love

and once you enter the space you can

FULLY relax into receiving"

1:1 Soul-Embodiment Session (90min)

Here we will fully devote the space to journey deep inside, connect body, heart & mind (tuning them like guitar strings) and then sinking layer by layer through your complex being - and all the blockages and limitations that keep you stuck and dissociated - to melt, release, illuminate and transform them, so that SOUL can enter. We will feel, witness & breathe a lot together and you can fully relax into my guidance, space-holding and ability to tune into you, co-regulate, such as my body’s resonance, soul-guidance & psychic abilities as a reliable compass along this journey.

Your investment is 160€. Option: Telegram “integration & mentoring week” +130€.

For in-person Sessions (close to Berlin) contact me directly or check my in-person offers here.

BUNDLE: Life-Coaching Call (120min) + Telegram-Integration-Week + optional Soul-Embodiment Call

In this extended call, we will bring clarity & connection in your current situation, desires, challenges, such as your level & potential of authenticity & soul-alignment/embodiment.

We are especially illuminating blindspots, the things you aren’t witnessing and thus not moving forward or repeating the same pattern/suffer. We initiate deep transformation and shadow-integration into all of your areas & of your life and your complex being.

I will assist you further via Telegram:

All that arises afterwards - due to the change we started - we will walk through together. I will keep you accountable, feeling safe & supported, offering you my ability to see & reflect clearly, such as tools, wisdom, experience, enhanced self-reflection, impulses for more embodiment & soul in your daily life; getting answers to the questions or doubts that arise; impulses & motivation for upcoming challenges - and the perspective that they offer chances. Using the portal that hides behind every trigger.

2h Coaching-Call + Telegram-Integration-Week 330€

Option: add an Soul-Embodiment Call for +140€


The most intimate and deepest way to dive into my work, is through 1:1 Mentoring.

You will be my VIP Client and really GET IT ALL. If you want to go all in - this is it.

Longterm Mentoring like I offer it, is: the power of decision meeting a space of limitless possibility, depth, heights, capability AND consistency. No matter where you are - we use the current challenges & desires as a portal. Despite what topic brought you here, we will reach the core and spread your inner light throughout all areas of your life & levels of your being. You will be so much more of you and so much more ALIVE and grounded in your truth & purpose! Because you choose your true Self above any fears & comfort zones, you go for your potential actively. And you are fully supported here.

It is always an honour for me, sharing this profound journey with a soul that resonates with my medicine, embodiment & soul-led service.