I am a soul doula, an alchemist, an oracle and new earth leader AND I am a foundational bodyworker & therapist. My devotion is to merge heaven & earth, so my work & background is very wholistic.

I am deeply connected & guided by source, awake since I´ve been 17 years old, continuously initiated by life & love, working successfully with clients since 2020.

Besides all I learned (see below), I always worked with personal mentors through my own “trauma”, as portals in which I brew my unique medicine and source my power & wisdom from.

I journeyed with shamans and learned from them. I continuously do exchanges & study´s with other experienced therapists.

Recently I received an initiation in Embodied Astrology that took me beyond all I´ve learned about the mystic realms, the journey of soul & archetypes so far - into direct experience, connection, mediation and embodiment. This has deepened my work a lot and as my consciousness is embracing these realms, I am able to see and pour from here with clarity.

Beside this I am walking, talking & breathing with god - devoted to the highest and purest truth, potential, embodying unconditional love & compassion, choosing integrity, responsibility, maturity and being of true service beyond all temptations - in his name, guidance and light. This will be felt deeply, especially if you are also drawn to this path of the pure heart.

About me


  • 2020: official healing practitioner-Diploma (in psychosomatics & psychology)

  • 2021: a 12-month Intuitive Coach training (New Spirit by Bahar Yilmaz)

  • 2022: trauma-sensitive training (with Thomas Hubl)

  • 2023: bodywork classes, NeuroAffective-touch training

  • 2023: embodied Astrology Initiation (Adreas Dreki)

  • 2024: beginning with internal family system (IFS)

  • 2024: embodied Astrology 9 month training (1:1 with Andreas Dreki)

  • 2024: embodied touch training (Tal Siano)

  • 2024: first 3 Levels of Theta-Healing (Nalini)


  • 2021: my first business wholistic spirit which I started with my husband. We offered a membership with regular breath work + guided meditation sessions. The vision of a tribe of healers, coming together, was born. Still unfolding!

  • 2022: after divorcing, I created DIVINE BY NATURE and I successfully held my first group-journey “divine remembrance” (a 4-figure, 3 months & 11 souls -container) which was beyond words

  • 2023: After nearly a year of full focus on my own growth & healing, I shared my service again in 1:1 mentoring AND in my second big group-container “LebendICH” (translation: ALIVE + I) that integrated much more embodiment - still devoted to remembering the inherited divinity.

  • 2024: Blending all together. I am focusing more on intense 1:1 work because here I can share all my gifts. I defined Soul-Embodiment © as my unique technique & philosophy, truly the core of my work. I started to officially give my embodied Astrology Readings and my most precious group container Coming Home” came through (starting 09/09) - And here you meet me…

Welcome to my temple!

I invite you into a discovery call to simply feel and find out, if we are a match, how you want to journey with me and if you feel safe enough in the space I offer, to go deep & fly high.