The philosophy is: Start right at the core. Transform from the inside out, beyond just mindset shifts and external fixes. Experience true to you and lasting change - by bringing your soul into your body, to lead and move from your own source, rather than seeking externally. Soul Embodiment is about inner freedom and aliveness, yes - but it is more. It is why we came here.

Your soul is nothing but 100% YOU, undisturbed and pure, original, unique, infinite, powerful and wise! Soul embodiment is this YOU flowing through your body and reclaiming your life, enriching it with peace, clarity, guidance, meaning, purpose, freedom and passion. We go beyond healing, indeed we realise that there is nothing REALLY to heal.. but to remember, devote to and choose!

“In SOUL EMBODIMENT, maturity, responsibility & devotion merges with ecstasy, lightness and joy - so that every step of YOUR journey becomes more aligned AND delicious.”

Life's challenges caused soul fragmentation, making you “incomplete” (but only for you to become REALLY complete, yet we often get stuck here). In a safe and devoted space we can reconnect with that essence and bring it “down to earth” by moving through all the barriers, limitations and illusions we collected AND ACTUALLY LEARNING FROM THEM, integrating them as medicine and wisdom and using them as portals to birth our soul and power, by really staying with every breath and step in this soul intended embodiment-process. Deep trust, devotion, clarity and guidance is needed to hold such a huge space for a longer time. I can offer such a space for you, either 1:1 or in a group-journey, that is guided through a divinely guided purpose arising out of the decision of unique souls coming together to a specific time. Always magical. I am honoured to be in service and I was prepared VERY intensely - read more about my journey and background here.


You can work 1:1 with me, either in a single Soul-Embodiment Session or diving in deeper with a Bundle of 1 Life-Coaching-Session plus 1 Telegram Integration/Support-Week. The most intimate and intense 1:1 option is my Mentoring.

But you can also dive into the magic in my group-journeys.

In my readings I transmit right from the mystical realms & soul - they are truly alive & unique, check them out here.


In this single Session we will use whatever is present in your life as a portal to journey deep inside, to illuminate the dark spaces where limiting beliefs, blockages, shadows & soul fragments are hidden - and we tenderly transform them into power, medicine, wisdom and wholeness. We connect body, heart, soul & mind and truly sink layer by layer through your complex being into your core - to bring further connection, clarity, harmony - and SOUL into your embodiment and life. We melt & release old emotions & blockages, anything that keeps you stuck & dissociated. We will feel, witness and breathe a lot together and you can fully relax into my guidance and ability to see & receive essential information when I tune into your being & body. One Session can re-align and free you so deeply, that I will have ripple effects unfolding for weeks!


This is for the ones, who want profound, deep and all-encompassing, longterm, revolutionary CHANGE. The ones who want it all. All-in. All about you, all for you. Full-on support, completely held and guided re-alignment. You want truth, soul, freedom - on all levels. With whatever you enter, all your challenges and desires - or all that you “lack” of (connection, purpose, vision, love, power) - we will set up a space for full transformation, and your CHOICE and DEVOTION, your YES and the power of a held space with the capacity I offer - will do the magic. Because you already CAN, you already ARE, we just walk on exactly THAT path into this Version of you, that is waiting already!

My group-journey: COMING HOME

I love to share the sacred work of Soul-Embodiment 1:1 - but to devote a whole living group container to it and to journey together for weeks with a shared intention has it´s own magic. I did it in 2022 and 2023, for 3 months each, and every time I was initiated deeply.

Just recently a new space knocked at my door and as I opened myself for it, I began to realise that it is indeed THE HEART AND CORE OF MY WORK. It is like the merging and extension of my previous ones, filled with all that life and god teached me - and I feel so honoured and guided to open it very very soon.. as I am preparing it right now I undergo a very profound initiation. It is a big one. “COMING HOME” is vibrating in the direct & pure intention of coming home to god, to the divine, your own soul - within, without. Embodied. Is it calling you too?

For all my mystical lovers and deep divers and all those who are open to take a very deep look inside - and right into your souls map & destiny, your inner parts & archetypes, moving you from the dark:

discover my