For all the mystical explorers & deep divers - and all those who are ready to take a very deep look inside - in shadow and light and right into your souls map and constellation for this life. Your destiny & the raw archetypes that move you from the realms of your subconscious. Meet them in my



100% UNIQUE. 100% ALIVE.


You will receive direct insights & guidance and walk with me in these mystical realms right inside your inner world - with a map and compass. This is truly exciting!

When we come back, you are full of clarity, inner acceptance and illumination, aware of the right impulses for true balance & harmony and backed up with support within, because now you do not just know your strengths and “weaknesses” - you actually met them and had a conversation with them. This direct experience integrated them so much more into your life & heart. You move on more whole now. AND: you had not just a gaze at your destiny, but a date, and you got a whole map, knowing now so much more, what do to, what let go of, what do train, move towards and claim!



I will connect you with your souls map and reveal your chosen path, your unique inner constellation - and transmit from there. All about your essence, challenges and gifts.

A live mediation of the archetypes and primary forces that are alive within you. It is an illumination of your unique being and a general overview of your inner aspects & how they play out in your life.

45 min via voice record. Yours forever. 90€


I will dive very deep & detailed together with you - into your essence, souls path, strenghts and challenges, your inner constellation & what archetypes live within you plus how are they connected and where they are directed towards. I will prepare intensely and more complex (a bit Gene Keys too) to go into the details. You can book this reading with specific requires (life areas that interest you more or questions/challenges you currently have).

Here you can always ask me questions, about the reading & planets itself or a current challenge in your life, for which I can serve you with helpful chart & intuition based insights.

IN DEPTH READING via Zoom OR voice record + any questions in chat (>60min) - 120€

In-person IN DEPTH READING (close to Berlin) + reflection/exchange to integrate (90min) - 140€

You will receive an in depth chart reading around 60-80min as above AND an Embodiment Call!

After you could‘ve let the READING rippling through your whole being, we will reflect on where you are on your soul path and where not (yet), and how we can apply this inner map to your outer life for more harmony, flow & alignment.

We illuminate inner conflicts and gifts and bring deeper understanding into your inner archetypes and parts - now, where we‘ve had a look into the plan of your soul we can bring that higher perspective and thus more peace & wisdom into all that’s not smooth yet. We can use the chart as an oracle for current questions, challenges and so on…

IN DEPTH READING + reflection/exchange + COACHING CALL (>2h) - 240€

In-person Reading (close to Berlin) + exchange/reflection + Coaching (2-2,5h) - 280€



This is for you and your beloved. Either we have a look at your and your partners chart and then see the connections and challenges OR you want to really get to know YOUR OWN CHILD and your relation - especially on how you can support and understand them better.

After the main reading we will go further into reflection, discovering the souls paths, needs, challenges and how we can apply this inner map & gained wisdom into your outer lifes and relation - for more harmony, support, flow & alignment.

We illuminate inner conflicts & gifts and bring deeper understanding into inner archetypes and parts - now, where we‘ve had a look into the plan of soul, we can bring that higher perspective and thus more peace & wisdom into all that’s not smooth yet. We can use the chart as an oracle for current questions, challenges and so on… ALL RELATION BASED.

IN DEPTH READING of both Charts + an extra COACHING CALL (2,5h) - 280€

In-person (close to Berlin) >2,5h - 330€